Modern View Reports in QuickBooks Online
You may have noticed a different format pops up when you run your reports in QuickBooks Online.
This is called the “Modern View” and is intended to “enhance” your experience! It does give you much easier access to different parameters, and whenyou get used to it, will hopefully be easier to work with.
I have created a video to walk through the changes, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.
After you select Reports, this is the page that will open:

As with the prior reporting format the dateoptions are where you will want to start. Then select whether you would like cash or accrual accounting, andexplore the view options.
This new format makes it easier to see theoptions and the content of the report at the same time.
Customizing the data that appears in your reportis easier with the “filter” option on the top right

Adjusting the columns that display in your report is also much easier to access. And you can see immediately the results onthe report.

The general options enable you to change the way your report displays, this is particularly useful if you are printing, customizing, or sending your reports.

Once you have the information you need you can Rename and Save the report for future use.

Previously I have been clicking the “Switch to classic view” button and returning to the old format.
Now that I have explored it, I actually prefer the new format. I hope that is your experience too!
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Let's go!Modern View Reports in QuickBooks Online
[00:00:00] Kerry: Hi, Kerry here from My CloudBookkeeping. I work with small businesses and entrepreneurs to help managetheir business finances in QuickBooks Online. And if you're not sure if you'reusing the best QuickBooks plan for your business, check out my plan comparisonbelow, and be sure to watch right to the end for some useful tips for yourbusiness.
[00:00:20] Kerry: Yet another change you may have noticedwhen you run your reports in QuickBooks Online. It's a different format. Now,QuickBooks is calling this the Modern View and it's intended to provide a newand enhanced experience. Now, I don't know about you, but But I hadn'tconsidered running my reports and enhanced experience yet.
[00:00:42] Kerry: Here we are now. Let's take a look atthe modern view and understand how to navigate it to hopefully improve ourreport experience in QuickBooks online. I'm going to pop across here toreports. I'm going to run a profit and loss report and then click through forour [00:01:00] total income. Where is it downhere?
[00:01:01] Kerry: Total income. And this opens up intothis new format. So when we're playing around with this modern view, where it'soften most useful is where you're wanting to sort your information in adifferent way. So initially, the first thing we're going to look at are ourdates. And This has got custom dates.
[00:01:20] Kerry: What we could also do is we could putthis year to last month. Why don't we change it to that? So this year to lastmonth, we're in a cruel, if you wanted to go back, of course, custom enablesyou to type the dates in, you put them into these boxes in the same way we didbefore. It's just a little more condensed, which actually is kind of anadvantage because it's not taking up so much room.
[00:01:43] Kerry: On the top of the screen. I don't knowif you recall before, but that top part of the screen was taken up with so muchof this information. Um, it's defaulting to accrual, which is totally fine withme. I know a lot of you use cash accounting, in which case you'd be toggling [00:02:00] that away. Then the next thing we have isthe option for view options.
[00:02:04] Kerry: So if we click this, we can collapse,which gives us a total and a summary for each of the items that makes up theincome, which is the Different number, but I guess that'll be video for anotherday. Uh, but this condenses it all. And then you can, from here, expand it all.Another thing you can do while you've got it here, collapse it all, and thenjust expand out the section that you may want to look at.
[00:02:28] Kerry: So nice, easy, Way to adjust these.We're going to expand everything back out and we're going to pop across here tothe filter and the filter enables us to sort a little differently. So we'velooked at all the income and let's just say that we want to only be looking atinvoices. We're not interested in sales receipts.
[00:02:50] Kerry: We're going to go transaction typeequals and where down here are invoices, invoices. And tab, [00:03:00] it will rerun this report now to includeonly invoices. One of the other options, of course, was a job or a journalentry. You might want to run it by a particular job. I selected invoice, notbecause I think it's got any particular value, but because I knew that I wouldget results there.
[00:03:17] Kerry: To be able to show you how this works.So there are a lot more filter options that I think are a little bit easier towork with than what we had before. So hopefully that will help you to improvewhat you're getting. Then we can pop across to the general options here. So oneof the things I really like here is the option.
[00:03:37] Kerry: Actually, let me just get rid of someof these columns first. Where are we here? I'm going to pop across to columns,and then I'm going to show you something else. Uh, I don't think we need to seethe memo in this report. I certainly don't really care about this account here.I'm going to get rid of that column.
[00:03:54] Kerry: And now I have a much more condensedreport to look at. And I'm going to pop back to the [00:04:00]general options here. And I really like this option. To round to the wholenumber. So we're not dealing with cents. They still show them up. Show in redis another cool feature. So if you're looking down here for anything that's anegative, it kind of highlights out a little bit more.
[00:04:16] Kerry: You can mess around with things like,you know, your footnote. Um, Not that important, but you know, there it is. Ijust took the time off because maybe you don't need that. And of course uphere, we have the option to edit the report name in the same manner we didbefore. So I'm going to call this income report.
[00:04:34] Kerry: I don't know. It doesn't really matter.It's that's, that's just whatever makes the most sense to you. So hopefully.You can see it's it's kind of not as scary and just messy. I know when I firstopened up this I was like, no, not another change because I knew what I wasdoing with the other report format.
[00:04:55] Kerry: As with the other report features, Youcan sort by the [00:05:00] different columnsand it's a little easier here before you had to kind of pop up to here where itsaid how you want to sort it. You can sort it by date. Maybe you want to see itby amount. So let's pop here and we'll sort by amount. It's still sorted initiallyby the account because that is our group by feature here in number one, theaccount.
[00:05:19] Kerry: You can change that you But for, well,let's have a quick look. Why not? Let's change it to, uh, what have we got?Customer. Why don't we just flip this by customer right now? There we go. Lookat that. That was super easy to do. So it's now grouped by customer and we can,Switch it around so that we're sorting by amount.
[00:05:39] Kerry: Now, what you'll notice when you sortby amount is that it sorts by amount within each customer. If we wanted to takeaway this group by, and I'm clear at all, then we would be able to sort justpurely by amount. So you can see how much fun this is just flicking around inhere once you're perhaps, dare I say, not afraid to play around [00:06:00] in it.
[00:06:00] Kerry: So this is how you can mess around withthe data When you've clicked through any of those reports, but then there's anadditional option here that I just love. So we can save as, which is what weused to do with our customized reports. So you could save this as incomereport. Okay. We've already done that, but this one here, add it to a group.
[00:06:22] Kerry: You have the option to add this to oneof your management reports, and maybe you haven't used management reports, butthis, you could create a monthly sales report. that you send out as part of apackage every month. And if you're using custom fields in your invoices, youcould sort this report by sales rep, for example, send it out and it would bepart of whatever it is that you're distributing for discussion at your monthlysales meetings.
[00:06:51] Kerry: Now we can see here how this reportName already exists. I'm going to pop over here to reports and show you whereit is. You may be already [00:07:00] familiarwith, um, custom reports, but here we have the monthly sales report group andit's an income report. Oh, that's interesting. That saved it to that group. Itdidn't export it.
[00:07:10] Kerry: to the management report. Let's justfind where that is. Here's where we add it to the management report. Sorryabout that. Okay. I'm going to create a new management report. The monthlysales report. Ah, I do like this though. Having the, um, Having that as part ofa group, where was it? The custom reports here so that you can use a lot easierto sort through all of your custom reports.
[00:07:38] Kerry: I know mine need to be sorted. Iprobably should do some of this grouping in there, but that is how you findyour way around in this new API. enhanced format. So hopefully that helps.Hopefully, now when you open up your reports and see the new format, you won'timmediately switch to classic view as I've been doing for this [00:08:00] last little while.
[00:08:01] Kerry: Now I do think that when you get usedto it, This is an improved interface, a lot easier to see your information andmake changes, a lot less scrolling. And if you're unsure what reports youshould be running, check out my month end checklist down there below and itwill help you to direct you to what you need to look at each month to keep yourbusiness on track.
[00:08:22] Kerry: So be sure to subscribe. I'm going tobe posting a lot more videos about the recent changes and some of the featuresin the advanced plan. Let me know what you think by commenting below. Cheers.
Modern View Reports in QuickBooks Online
[00:00:00] Kerry: Hi, Kerry here from My CloudBookkeeping. I work with small businesses and entrepreneurs to help managetheir business finances in QuickBooks Online. And if you're not sure if you'reusing the best QuickBooks plan for your business, check out my plan comparisonbelow, and be sure to watch right to the end for some useful tips for yourbusiness.
[00:00:20] Kerry: Yet another change you may have noticedwhen you run your reports in QuickBooks Online. It's a different format. Now,QuickBooks is calling this the Modern View and it's intended to provide a newand enhanced experience. Now, I don't know about you, but But I hadn'tconsidered running my reports and enhanced experience yet.
[00:00:42] Kerry: Here we are now. Let's take a look atthe modern view and understand how to navigate it to hopefully improve ourreport experience in QuickBooks online. I'm going to pop across here toreports. I'm going to run a profit and loss report and then click through forour [00:01:00] total income. Where is it downhere?
[00:01:01] Kerry: Total income. And this opens up intothis new format. So when we're playing around with this modern view, where it'soften most useful is where you're wanting to sort your information in adifferent way. So initially, the first thing we're going to look at are ourdates. And This has got custom dates.
[00:01:20] Kerry: What we could also do is we could putthis year to last month. Why don't we change it to that? So this year to lastmonth, we're in a cruel, if you wanted to go back, of course, custom enablesyou to type the dates in, you put them into these boxes in the same way we didbefore. It's just a little more condensed, which actually is kind of anadvantage because it's not taking up so much room.
[00:01:43] Kerry: On the top of the screen. I don't knowif you recall before, but that top part of the screen was taken up with so muchof this information. Um, it's defaulting to accrual, which is totally fine withme. I know a lot of you use cash accounting, in which case you'd be toggling [00:02:00] that away. Then the next thing we have isthe option for view options.
[00:02:04] Kerry: So if we click this, we can collapse,which gives us a total and a summary for each of the items that makes up theincome, which is the Different number, but I guess that'll be video for anotherday. Uh, but this condenses it all. And then you can, from here, expand it all.Another thing you can do while you've got it here, collapse it all, and thenjust expand out the section that you may want to look at.
[00:02:28] Kerry: So nice, easy, Way to adjust these.We're going to expand everything back out and we're going to pop across here tothe filter and the filter enables us to sort a little differently. So we'velooked at all the income and let's just say that we want to only be looking atinvoices. We're not interested in sales receipts.
[00:02:50] Kerry: We're going to go transaction typeequals and where down here are invoices, invoices. And tab, [00:03:00] it will rerun this report now to includeonly invoices. One of the other options, of course, was a job or a journalentry. You might want to run it by a particular job. I selected invoice, notbecause I think it's got any particular value, but because I knew that I wouldget results there.
[00:03:17] Kerry: To be able to show you how this works.So there are a lot more filter options that I think are a little bit easier towork with than what we had before. So hopefully that will help you to improvewhat you're getting. Then we can pop across to the general options here. So oneof the things I really like here is the option.
[00:03:37] Kerry: Actually, let me just get rid of someof these columns first. Where are we here? I'm going to pop across to columns,and then I'm going to show you something else. Uh, I don't think we need to seethe memo in this report. I certainly don't really care about this account here.I'm going to get rid of that column.
[00:03:54] Kerry: And now I have a much more condensedreport to look at. And I'm going to pop back to the [00:04:00]general options here. And I really like this option. To round to the wholenumber. So we're not dealing with cents. They still show them up. Show in redis another cool feature. So if you're looking down here for anything that's anegative, it kind of highlights out a little bit more.
[00:04:16] Kerry: You can mess around with things like,you know, your footnote. Um, Not that important, but you know, there it is. Ijust took the time off because maybe you don't need that. And of course uphere, we have the option to edit the report name in the same manner we didbefore. So I'm going to call this income report.
[00:04:34] Kerry: I don't know. It doesn't really matter.It's that's, that's just whatever makes the most sense to you. So hopefully.You can see it's it's kind of not as scary and just messy. I know when I firstopened up this I was like, no, not another change because I knew what I wasdoing with the other report format.
[00:04:55] Kerry: As with the other report features, Youcan sort by the [00:05:00] different columnsand it's a little easier here before you had to kind of pop up to here where itsaid how you want to sort it. You can sort it by date. Maybe you want to see itby amount. So let's pop here and we'll sort by amount. It's still sorted initiallyby the account because that is our group by feature here in number one, theaccount.
[00:05:19] Kerry: You can change that you But for, well,let's have a quick look. Why not? Let's change it to, uh, what have we got?Customer. Why don't we just flip this by customer right now? There we go. Lookat that. That was super easy to do. So it's now grouped by customer and we can,Switch it around so that we're sorting by amount.
[00:05:39] Kerry: Now, what you'll notice when you sortby amount is that it sorts by amount within each customer. If we wanted to takeaway this group by, and I'm clear at all, then we would be able to sort justpurely by amount. So you can see how much fun this is just flicking around inhere once you're perhaps, dare I say, not afraid to play around [00:06:00] in it.
[00:06:00] Kerry: So this is how you can mess around withthe data When you've clicked through any of those reports, but then there's anadditional option here that I just love. So we can save as, which is what weused to do with our customized reports. So you could save this as incomereport. Okay. We've already done that, but this one here, add it to a group.
[00:06:22] Kerry: You have the option to add this to oneof your management reports, and maybe you haven't used management reports, butthis, you could create a monthly sales report. that you send out as part of apackage every month. And if you're using custom fields in your invoices, youcould sort this report by sales rep, for example, send it out and it would bepart of whatever it is that you're distributing for discussion at your monthlysales meetings.
[00:06:51] Kerry: Now we can see here how this reportName already exists. I'm going to pop over here to reports and show you whereit is. You may be already [00:07:00] familiarwith, um, custom reports, but here we have the monthly sales report group andit's an income report. Oh, that's interesting. That saved it to that group. Itdidn't export it.
[00:07:10] Kerry: to the management report. Let's justfind where that is. Here's where we add it to the management report. Sorryabout that. Okay. I'm going to create a new management report. The monthlysales report. Ah, I do like this though. Having the, um, Having that as part ofa group, where was it? The custom reports here so that you can use a lot easierto sort through all of your custom reports.
[00:07:38] Kerry: I know mine need to be sorted. Iprobably should do some of this grouping in there, but that is how you findyour way around in this new API. enhanced format. So hopefully that helps.Hopefully, now when you open up your reports and see the new format, you won'timmediately switch to classic view as I've been doing for this [00:08:00] last little while.
[00:08:01] Kerry: Now I do think that when you get usedto it, This is an improved interface, a lot easier to see your information andmake changes, a lot less scrolling. And if you're unsure what reports youshould be running, check out my month end checklist down there below and itwill help you to direct you to what you need to look at each month to keep yourbusiness on track.
[00:08:22] Kerry: So be sure to subscribe. I'm going tobe posting a lot more videos about the recent changes and some of the featuresin the advanced plan. Let me know what you think by commenting below. Cheers.
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